Quality Metal Finishing Co. Wins
Illinois EPA Environmental
Excellence Award
From a group of 1299 industrial wastewater facilities throughout the state, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) chose Quality Metal Finishing Co. of Byron winner of its Industrial Achievement Award for 1995.
The IEPA’s Industrial Achievement Award is given annually to emphasize the relationship between adequate wastewater treatment and clean receiving waters, and to give public recognition and encouragement to the industries who have operated their wastewater facilities in the most effective manner possible to protect the environment.
Initially nominated by the IEPA regional office in Rockford, Quality Metal was one of the three Illinois nominees; the others were Dow Chemical of Joliet and John Deere Harvester of Moline. An Illinois EPA team chose Quality Metal following an on-site inspection of each nominated facility.
The Illinois Association of Water Pollution Control Operators (IAWPCO) presented the award during their annual conference in Springfield, Illinois in April. For one year, Quality Metal will hold IAWPCO’s large traveling trophy, with its base displaying the engraved names of every winner since 1977. Previous winners include U.S. Steel-Chicago, Corn Products Co., Mobil Oil, Caterpillar Tractor, Olin Corporation, Honeywell Microswitch and Commonwealth Edison.
“We are honored to be nominated with two nationally known companies, and especially proud to be chosen by the same IEPA team that inspected all three nominees,” said Quality Metal President, Mario Bortoli. “Our mission statement includes our commitment to ‘Being Respectful of Our Environment.”
Quality Metal Finishing Co. is the leading independent national supplier of finished zinc die cast products to the plumbing and other selected industries.